Tuesday, 25 January 2011

History On Van Dal Shoes.

There is a Van Dal factory located in Norwich which specialised in women's footwear(women's feet have gotten a lot wider over the years). This opened in 1918 and was noisy dangerous work. They employed women to do the delicate stitch work and men to operate the machinery. During the 1970's they specialised in gold, silver, brocade and reptile skin shoes. At one point they were even exporting to places as far away as New Zealand.

Startright shoes was situated in Norwich as well, they opened in 1872. In 1918 they began making children's shoes and used the V shaped heal for stability. The V shaped heal is now very common and most companies use it. They were also the first to start measuring feet to insure a good fit. As the company got bigger they were exporting up to 30'000 shoes a week. In 1984 they were having the parts built in China because the labour was cheaper and then assembling them in England so they could say they were made in England.

Also here is a link to Van Dal so you can see it all for yourself. :DD


Monday, 24 January 2011

Killing of my Vans shoe.

The Van Dal shoe company uses Florida shoes to make their shoes in Norwich. This is where we went today. David then gave us a speech on what kind of shoes they make and target audience (Middle aged women). He also gave us a quick health and safety speech, keep on the blue path etc.

We then had an all access tour of the factory and we learnt the steps of how they make a shoe (this will be explained in more detail in the "how to make a shoe, Florida style" post). We also got given some free samples of the shoe throughout the different processes.

Van Dal Shoe facts.
  1. Van Dal shoes are the only people to use ion-masking technology. This is done using military secrets and completely waterproofs any material. Van Dal have patented this so they are the only company to have this. It adds £5 on average to the retail price of any item.
  2. It is still a mainly sexist work place in any factory, with women doing the delicate work and men operating the machinery
  3. Shoe boxes are put together by criminals as community service.
  4. The plastic bit on the end of a shoe lace is called an aglet

  • The Designer sees what kind of things are selling using the magazine Insight. Done by a person.
  • They then make a mood or theme board to just give themselves an idea of what could be done,  different colours, heels, materials etc. Done by a person.
  • They then do a few quick sketch's and choose an idea which they can think would sell. Done by a person.
  • They then do an annotated sketch's of different views. These have measurements and list of materials so the people who make it don't get confused and the shoe turns out exactly how the designer wants it  to. Done by a person.

    VAC and shoe last
  • They then melt a plastic VAC round a shoe last. This gives the designer a cheap quick idea of what the shape of the shoe does. Done by a machine.

    Design on a computer
  • They then give the computer a design and it digitalises it. They can then change it easily and it will be sent to other computers easily. Done by a machine.
  • The Computer then sends the perfected designs to the Laser Cutter and it cuts out card templates. Done by a machine.
  • The templates are then taken into the main part of the factory where the "clicker" operator (so called because the tool he uses clicks while he uses it) cuts out the shapes of the shoe from different materials. Done by a person.
  • The shoe is then sewed together. Done by a machine.

  • Shoe abouts to be dried
  • The sole and heel are then glued onto the rest of the. Done by a machine.
  • The shoe then has the bottom roughed it's got grip and people dont' fall over all the time. Done by a machine
  • The shoe is then polished and soft materials (soft materials depend on the shoe) glued on. Done by a machine.
  • Finally the shoe is dried and and loose threads are removed. Done by machine and person.